Chakra immersion course with Shakti Yoga therapy centre

Be sure to keep an eye out on my events page and Instagram feed to find out more about our regular 50hr Chakra Immersion course, co-hosted with Ma Akash of Shakti Yoga. 

Myself and Ma Akash of Shakti Yoga present this 8 week course on the Chakra system. The Chakras are the subtle psychic energy centres that lie in the central nervous system in the spine and brain.

They control the functions of the body and mind, and influence our behaviour and decisions on a daily basis. They define our physical and psychological disposition and are the doors to the spiritual dimension of our being. It is useful to learn more about these powerful energy centers and how they operate.

By working with them consciously we are able to gain so much more insight about ourselves.

In joining the 50 hour Chakra Immersion Course you will learn in depth different practices that will stimulate and purify the chakras. As well as how to apply that knowledge in everyday life.

The course runs annually and for details of our upcoming dates please visit my

Events page

Dates:                  4th October – 29th November 2024
Class times:       1030am Fridays
Venue:                 Shakti Yoga Therapy Centre, Fourways and Online via Zoom
Cost:                    R5600 (includes an 80 page in depth manual, neti pot and 50 hour certificate)

                               (R4700 for full upfront payment before the 30th September.)

A 50% Deposit of R2800 is payable before 30 September 2024. The final instalment of R2800 is payable before 25 November 2024 (50% deposit required to secure your booking). For full upfront payment the fee is discounted to R 4700

International Students: USD $615.00 / EUR € 500.00 / GBP £ 450.00

In this Hatha-based training we will work with a holistic approach to understanding how the chakras develop our mind, body and spirit. The Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates to wheel or disk. In yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, this term refers to wheels of energy throughout the body. Starting at the base of the spine and moving upwards towards the crown of the head.

Our 50 hour Chakra immersion course will focus on the deeper, more subtle aspects of Yoga. Each week you will explore the powerful physical, energetic and mental shifts that can be facilitated when working with the relevant Chakras.

This course is ideal for Yoga teachersTherapists, dedicated yoga practitioners or anyone looking to deepen their understanding of the Chakra system. The course is open to all levels of experience in the field of yoga.

Course outline:

Lectures will cover both theoretical and practical teaching components. 

The 8 Week Chakra Immersion Course will cover specific practices related to each individual Chakra

• Yogic Philosophy 

• Asanas 

• Pranayama

• Mudras 

• Shatkarmas (cleansing techniques) 

• Mantras 

• Meditation 

• Yoga Nidra 

• Self-massage with pressure point activation 

• Dietary and lifestyle recommendations for each Chakra 

Weekly Schedule:

Lecture 1 – Introduction to energy system of Chakras & Gunas

Lecture 2 – Muladhara/Root Chakra

Lecture 3 – Svadhisthana/sacral Chakra

Lecture 4 – Manipura/ Solar plexus Chakra

Lecture 5 – Anahata/Heart Chakra

Lecture 6 – Vishuddha/Throat Chakra

Lecture 7 – Ajna/brow Chakra

Lecture 8 – Sahasrara/Crown Chakra and closing ceremony

The 50hr Chakra Immersion course is fully accredited with Yoga Alliance India

For more information on the Chakra system and why it is so relevant to teaching Yoga check out this blog post Understanding the Chakra system 

On completion of the course you will receive a 50 hour / level certificate, accredited with Yoga Alliance International. Both the course and Shakti Yoga Teaching Academy and Therapy Centre are accredited with (YAI), the ONLY organisation where the yoga teacher certifications are recognised by the government of India. Upon completion of the course, if you wish do to so you will be able to register with YAI for the 50-level certification as an individual teacher, becoming part of their global network of teachers.