What does it mean to be Yoga Alliance Accredited?

What does it mean to be Yoga Alliance Accredited? Especially since there are a growing number of  Yoga teacher training courses available.

Yoga Alliance International (YAI) is a network of dedicated, like-minded people and institutions devoted to the cause of authentic Yoga.

Inspired by Sri. Aurobindo and the Mother of Pondicherry. YAI was founded by Swami Vidyanand. A well-known Yoga Master. Further assisted by Sri K.M.Chandrashekaran. Who also has had a lifelong interest in Yoga.

YAI has a number of Divisions around the world. Each led by a dedicated Director. The aim is for the director to serve as a representative of YAI in their respective countries. All sharing a passionate commitment to the cause of authentic Yoga traditions.

The required standards of YAI are intended to maintain a certain level of teaching. A level that reflects the integrity and authenticity of Yoga.

YAI certifies yoga teachers from all traditions, styles and yoga schools. The registered teacher training programs (200 hour-500 hour) must also meet the required standards.

The Registry provides worldwide recognition of teachers knowledge, training and experience. Anyone can feel confident working with a yoga professional knowing that their training meets the standards set by YAI.

A Yoga Alliance International registered teacher or registered school may use the acronym YAI-CYT (Yoga Alliance International Certified Yoga Teacher). Or YAI-CYS (Yoga Alliance International Certified Yoga School) after their name. You can also look for the recognised logo on their website.

At the moment more than 80 directors (YAI Ambassadors) and regional/continental representatives of the Alliance operate in various countries throughout the world.

Yoga Alliance Africa

The Yoga Alliance Africa is a division of Yoga Alliance International.

Yoga Alliance Africa offers a banner under which Yoga Centres and Yoga teachers throughout the African continent can work together. And offers professional, certified Yoga Teachers Training Courses.

Yoga Alliance Africa provides ongoing support for education in yoga. While promoting mutual respect, sensitivity and support of different styles and traditions of yoga.

When you register with the Alliance your certification is internationally accredited. As a result, with the correct work permit, you are able to work anywhere in the world.

The requirements for listing a Yoga teacher training course

  • Complete a 200/300hr YAI recognised TTC
  • Teach for a minimum of 1 year
  • Further your studies and complete a 500hr advanced YAI recognised TTC
  • Continue to teach
  • Sit in on a 200/300hr YAI recognised TTC as an assistant teacher
  • Start to develop confidence and experience by lecturing modules under supervision
  • Assist in marking practical teaching exams
  • Submit relevant qualification ands hours online with Yoga Alliance

I am so grateful to Yoga Alliance Africa for their continued support and learning programs. Without the help of Taryn Herselman, the Africa Ambassador, I would not feel confident and capable to run my own Yoga TTC programs.

I am now registered to facilitate my own 100hr, 200hr and 300hr TTC courses in both Hatha and Vinyasa.

For my listing :

Theresa Moodie

To contact Yoga Alliance Africa :

Yoga Alliance Africa